Welcome to Almscliffe Village Hall
01423 734436
Registered Charity No. 505587
Contact: Mr C Moore, Clerk to Weeton Parish Council
Address: 83 The Whartons, OTLEY, West Yorkshire, LS21 2BS
Phone: 01943 462834
E-Mail: christopher.moore511@googlemail.com
Weeton Parish Council Membership
Bob Wilyman (Chair) Nanine Anderson
Pauline Galloway Paul Jagger
Derek Needham Ben Parsons
Michael Styrin
Current Activities:-
Harrogate District Local Plan
Thank you to all residents who sent in a response to HBC in regard to the possible building development as outlined in the above document. I hope that the draft letter (distributed by our friend and fellow councillor Michael Styrin – thank you Michael & Lynn) was of use. Unfortunately, our plea to extend the short deadline fell on ‘deaf ears’.
As a Council we submitted two responses, the first was a letter in general terms, based on the concerns which you as residents communicated to the Council and the second was a full detailed account, setting out the unsuitability for any significant development in the Huby & Weeton area. Both these letters can be viewed below.
Annual Financial Audit
The finacial audit report for the year ending 31st March 2016 can be downloaded here:-